The two Constitutional Amendment are approved by General Body in its Annual Meeting at the 48th Annual Congress of Medical Microbiologists on 23rd November 2024 at Pune. These are hereby uploaded on website for wider circulation. Any suggestions be mailed to
The constitution is hereby proposed to be amended at section of Executive Council (b) to include a post of President Elect in the EC. The president elect will have voting rights.
“b) The Executive Council shall consist of the President, President Elect, Secretary Treasurer, Editor, Joint Secretary, and a minimum of six or maximum of nine members. When number of Council Members reaches eleven, the quorum shall be six. In special circumstances additional members may be co-opted to the Executive Council, but they shall not have the right to vote”.
Indian College of Medical Microbiologists is proposed in IAMM. A clause proposing the same would be inserted in the constitution as a separate heading. The constitution is hereby proposed to be amended as:
“Indian College of Medical Microbiologists, thereafter known as ICMM would be registered as an academic body with objectives of developing and imparting trainings, fellowships and continuing medical education in microbiology”.